In November 1997, Gatepower Ltd. commenced commercial operation of a 14.4 MW gas fired CHP station located at the Guinness Brewery, St. James’ Gate, Dublin.
The CHP plant is situated outdoors within the brewery site, and incorporates three SOLAR Taurus 60 gas turbines, rated at 4.8 MW each, along with three 27 tonnes/hr steam boilers.
The system is built to operate on either natural gas or diesel fuel, and also includes a standby 27 t/hr boiler and a blackstart generator. In 2003, the plant completed a major 5-year overhaul works, during which the gas turbines were replaced with the more advanced model 7301 of the Taurus 60 gas turbine.
Gatepower provides 100% of the Guinness electricity and steam demands, and exports approximately 40% of generated electricity to the national grid. The system is designed to maintain electricity and steam supplies to the site 365 days per year, and can ride through electrical grid outages and any gas fuel supply interruptions.
Gatepower provides 100% of the Guinness electricity and steam demands, and exports approximately 40% of generated electricity to the national grid. The system is designed to maintain electricity and steam supplies to the site 365 days per year, and can ride through electrical grid outages and any gas fuel supply interruptions.
Gatepower was judged winner of Boilerhouse CHP System of the Year in 1999 and 2001, and runner-up in 2000.