The project comprised a Turnkey Installation of 3 No. 2500kVA Standby Diesel Genesis with 3 No. 20kV/430V transformers with Grid interfacing Protection G10 panel and complete integration into the site Electrical Control System.
The scope of work included selection of main equipment, design and installation of civil and mechanical features including the installation of an equal potential grid (due to the adjacent 100kV transformer compound).
Design and installation of the required grid interface G10 control panels with complete integration into the site-wide Electrical Control System. The site was designed with all civil works complete for future installation for a fourth genset.
The genset acoustic enclosures rated to 65dBA @ 1m. The generators selected were brushless permanent magnet excited SR4B generators. Class H insulated with Class F temperature rise.
The gensets were equipped with 2 No. Elecrical Starters each, lube oil, pre heating to allow fast start. Individual Neutral Earth Resistors were installed in each genset unit. The genset package was designed to be integrally bunded and was fitted with oil sensors to alarm on detection of leaks.
The transformers were filled with MIDEL 7131 Oil selected for its lower flammability and lower environmental impact. The chimney selected consisted of twin wall insulated stainless steel 1m sections for assembly on site with a stainless steel support structure.
The project was carried out as a full Turnkey contract. The gensets were installed and commissioned by the required date of November 2003.