Supplying ESB’s UK Power Station with Natural Gas
The Lockerley to Marchwood Pipeline is a 600mm diameter, fully welded steel pipeline which runs approximately 22km cross country and roads supplying Marchwood Power Station in Southhampton. The pipeline is designed to transmit 230,000 Standard Cubic Meters of Natural Gas per hour (2,330 MW) at a maximum pressure of 75bar. The pipeline design includes an off-take station [...]
Dunaird to Ballymena Pipeline Co. Antrim, Northern Ireland.
The Dunaird to Ballymena Pipeline is a 150mm diameter, fully welded steel pipeline which runs approximately 4km cross country from Dunaird AGI on the North-West Pipeline to Woodside Industrial Estate on the outskirts of Ballymena Co. Antrim.The pipeline is designed to transmit 20,000 Standard Cubic Meters of Natural Gas per hour (203 MW) at a maximum pressure [...]